Paris Ausborne is not a known name but soon will be more known as he has just been named as the first male host of #WE and the TV specials for the #WE movement.
Heretofore, R & B icon, Alyson Williams has done most of the #WE hosting with a couple of exceptions by R & B icon Alexander O'Neal, and Cicely Christian, who guest-hosted.
Now, Paris Ausborne is being officially named as the first seasonal serial male host of the TV media productions of Women Empowerment Movement and the #WE Movement.
In 2020, the #WE movement, the nation's largest empowerment campaign, expanded to all empowerment causes, from bullying, to immigration, to racial equality, etc. At that time, it incresed its production schedule to include a weekly non-profit series, monthly global TV specials and quarterly PPV shows. This necessitated expanding their hosting roster.
Paris Ausborne may be a rookie in the business but is a natural at it, and perfectly fits the needs of #WE in a male host on several fronts. A male host in a female dominated movement must be "sensitive" ( in a Ryan Seacrest way), has to be attractive enough to keep the ladies' attention, but not so attractive as to be a distraction, and affable in a non-passionation way. In handling the sometimes sensitive, sometimes controversial and divisive issues, he has to walk the affable line down the middle to keep both sides engaged.

Paris Ausborne tested in focus groups as extremely likeable and affable by most everybody. He is very kicked back, and has that center of the road commerciality of a Ryan Seacrest or Jimmy Fallon.He aces scripts in 1-2 takes and does not really become overly engaged in the subject matter, so he does not get fired-up one way or the other. This gives him more trust with the listeners as he does not seem to have an axe to grind.
Paris Ausborne is the host of the upcoming #WE_Africa TV special, with a yet-to-be-decided co-host. Paris Ausborne will also be an emcee onthe upcoming #GoodTimesPPV special, expected to be one of the widest promoted #WE productions yet, airing the last weekend in January, 2021.