Vicki Abreu; The Hype Magazine Interview
With #WE Exec. Director
How did you get involved in #WE?
How did you become the Exec. Director of the movement? What’s the back-story? I met the Founder/Creator of #WE, Lowell Beasley through my daughter, Kristina Abreu, who auditioned and was cast for a role on The Latin Goddesses (in pre-production) and the host of the #WE Tour. We all met on a trip to Atlanta, wherein, Lowell and I hit it off and established a trust-worthy bond, which led to his offering me the position. I gladly accepted, as I too believe in Lowell Beasley’s vision for this movement.
So from the Exec. Director of #WE, (and we will quote you..lol), what is #WE? What is its definition? Its mission?
#WE initially stands for Women Empowerment, with the vision that the #WE Movement will combine active Women Empowerment Groups to band together for America’s largest campaigns and causes. #WE, Not only stands and supports the voices of women for individual rights, education, economic and political Empowerment, but also supports national causes like #MeToo, Suicide, Bullying, Domestic Violence, Mass Shootings, etc. in order to provide a brand to rally under.
Why is #WE needed? What does #WE bring to the table that others already out there do not?
There are many organizations throughout the U.S., such as the women marchers for equal rights, #MeToo supporters and campaigns for anti-bullying or suicide prevention, but they are just organizations which surface once in a while in the news when there is a suicide, or mass shooting or marches for women’s rights when a particular issue arises. We want to make #WE weekly news, with a platform that voices all these causes for all to be heard nationally.
What is your opinion of #MeToo?
I feel the #MeToo is a great movement that surfaced when women started coming forward to voice sexual harassment and abuse. Although sexual harassment has been around for centuries, women are finally getting the courage to have people hear their voice, which lets abused women know they are not alone and gives them courage to come forward.
What is the difference in #WE and #MeToo?
Although #WE is about equality for women, unlike #MeToo movement, #We as in “people” also includes all (men and children), not just women; and #WE also includes other national causes to bring awareness.
So how did a guy come to be the founder of #WE?
Isn’t that weird? Lowell Beasley has a vision and with that vision he created #WE. It isn’t weird at all, as there are many men who support all these causes, the only difference is that they do not publicly state it or do anything about it and Mr. Beasley is.
Still, why him? What, in your eyes, equips him to be a better creator than say your average empowered woman? What is it about Beasley that makes him different?
What does he bring to the table that others cannot? Lowell Beasley is not better than or different than any average empowered woman, the difference is that he is ACTUALLY doing something about it.
Describe to me in YOUR words what Women Empowerment really is to you, and why is it needed? What place do you see it needing to fill in society that is not already presently filled?
There are many organizations for specific groups such as #MeToo, but #We is not about one cause, it’s a bout any cause for any person no matter what gender, race or religion. A national movement for all causes which society does not presently have.
Ok. Now let me reverse any earlier question about Beasley and refer it back to you? What makes you the appropriate Exec. Director? What do YOU have that is unique that qualifies you for this position over other women?
I am the Exec. Director of #WE, because I believe in the movement. I do not have a unique qualification other than being a WOMAN, who wants to stand behind causes to bring awareness, change and make a difference, through television, media, social media, events, concerts and seminars.
So is the goal of #WE to be celebrity driven? And why?
Celebrities have voices, people listen to celebrities and celebrities have the means of getting their voices heard because they are in the public eye. You would not attend any event with unknown people, but you are inclined to attend a concert with a known celebrity and in turn, hear what they have to stay. People also attend events for causes and bringing in celebrities makes it easier to follow or support a specific cause publicly.
Who are your favorite empowered women celebs that you look up to? And why?
I look up to many celebrity women for their accomplishments and defeats as women. I do not have one in particular as there are so many celebrities that I admire for the work they do outside of their talent, such as their stance against bullying, abuse, etc.
What part do men play in #WE?
Men can play a part of #WE as #WE is not only for women, it’s for anyone who supports women empowerment and any other national cause.
Does #WE have a place for the LGBT movement?
Again, as long as you believe in the movement and believe in the causes #We stands for, then you have a place in #WE.
Is #WE a Christian organization?
#WE believes in GOD and non-denomination.
What about Muslims? Jews? Is there a place for them in #WE?
If you believe in GOD and the causes then you are welcomed.
What are #WE’s immediate goals for 2019?
#WE want to create the nation’s largest women empowerment tour, with a series of concerts, festivals, fashion shows, seminars and events uniting all women empowerment entities and women march organizers throughout the USA. #WE will include performances by the hottest entertainers, panel discussions by world class speakers, leaders and entertainers. Although the theme is women empowerment, #WE combines exceptional entertainment and fun interactive learning sessions which includes all other causes like #MeToo, Suicide Prevention, Anti-Domestic Violence, Anti-Bullying, etc.
So I see the name Nick Cannon in your stuff? Is he involved? How?
Nick Cannon has joined #WE as our host for all concert/events.
When you met Nick, what was he like?
Nick Cannon was very personable, humble and although he’s a man he voiced his support in the women empowerment movement.
One of my favorite statements of yours is the statement in your video about women wanting money to join #WE and your response? Can you elaborate more on that sentiment?
I believe #WE is a movement and not a way to become rich. Although #WE is a “for-profit” organization, we are not looking to become rich. Unfortunately, #WE needs money in order to tour with concerts, festivals, etc. But I feel that if you want to voice your stance on movement, you should do it because you believe in it, not because you are paid to do it.
I hear your daughter is one of The Latin Goddesses…Who or what are “The Latin Goddesses” and how do they fit into this #WE thing?
The Latin Goddesses is a scripted television series in its pre-production stage. This is a story of the rise of a group of wholesome latino “girl next door” role models, who are assembled to rise up in the entertainment world through touring concerts, appearances, social media, etc., and rise to the top of the pinnacle of the entertainment world. The series shows the girls struggles within themselves, each other, their families, the media, the network, their fans, their culture, etc. The Latin Goddesses ties into #WE as they are the hosts (along with Nick Canon) and excerpts of these #WE events will be featured on The Latin Goddesses series.
Is #WE a man-made or God made entity?
#WE is not a God-made entity but a Godly entity as it’s participants believe in a national cause and believe in God.
Ok, last question…..is #WE looking for women to join #WE?
What can women do to help with #WE and how do they join? #WE is looking for women who have a story to tell. They can contact Lowell Beasley or myself for more information.